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We pride ourselves on being an inclusive society that offers plenty of opportunities for everyone to have a great time. Socials are a huge part of this and encourage our dancers to form strong friendships and have loads of fun throughout the year. Whether it's a classic night out at Vensday (Wednesday sport night), a trip to play laser tag or our Annual Ball at the end of the year, there’s always a chance to dress up, socialise and meet amazing people along the way.

Vensday Socials


These are the most common and arguably the most fun socials that we have at KD. Some socials have a fancy dress theme, with previous examples being FAME, Flower Power and 'On Vensdays We Wear Pink'. Sometimes we will team up with other sports teams on Campus for a joint social which gives everyone the chance to meet new people and make friends! We all meet in one of the bars on campus to play games before heading to Venue to party the night away.


We never pressure anyone to drink or do anything they don’t want to do so if drinking isn't your thing,  don't be put off as  everyone is welcome!

Kent Dance Laser Tag Social

Sober Socials


Not everyone in the society likes to drink and go out so no worries if this is you, we’ve got you covered! We offer sober socials throughout the year that give everyone a chance to have fun without alcohol involved. One of our most successful sober socials was a trip to laser tag where we all dressed up in camouflage and went head to head with each other to see who would be crowned victorious. We have also done movie nights and dinners out before - so there really is something for everyone. These are a perfect way to bond with other dancers and include everyone in KD!

Kent Dance Balls


Before we head home for Christmas, KD hosts our Winter Ball. Winter Ball is a great night to get dressed up, celebrate with friends, and play some fun festive games!


At the end of each year we also hold our Summer Ball to celebrate all of our successes and the amazing effort put in by our dancers. The evening consists of a 3 course meal followed by an awards ceremony and a disco. It is held at Canterbury Cathedral Lodge, a picture-perfect location inside the grounds with a stunning view of the Cathedral itself. The ball is a great opportunity to dress up fancy, eat delicious food and dance the night away with all of your KD friends. The ball is one of the main highlights of a year in Kent Dance and an event you do not want to miss!

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